You’re invited, so mark your calendars!
Dear Friends, Fellow Travelers, and Whoever Else,
Hello from London! My first time in Europe has been great. We’ve traveled from Finland to Poland to Germany to France to England, and now we return to Finland for a couple of days. In that time, we have visited the graves of so many dead philosophers, not just to pay our respects, but to develop a sort of introductory course that will be made available in 2023. Ann and I even got interviewed for a Sublation Media stream (link at the end).
In my last email I reflected on some things I did not like about “Theory Pleeb” and “New Symbolization.” I talked about some things that are going to be different, which come from my new way of thinking about what it is that I am doing. Theory Underground is the new name, and its center is going to be my website and real-life touring, not a YouTube channel. With that said, though, YouTube will still play its role.
I have hours of amazing video content, several books, and a ton of articles and blog posts that are at varying stages of completion. Right now, the website and enjoying this trip have been my focus, but as my time abroad comes to its close, I wanted to take this time to tell you about the Theory Underground launch event.
December 6th is my birthday. I’m turning 35, which is really weird. Ann just spotted my first white hair, so it’s all downhill from here. Just kidding, but it is an interesting time to be alive. I feel like, with so many things, it really has to be now or never. The mistakes and lessons learned over the last decade are going to bring my previous efforts and interests together into a (hopefully) higher stage.
I’ll say more at the launch event. For that, please get a ticket. Whether you are attending by Zoom or in-person at the Boise venue in Idaho, the tickets are free. The reason I am doing something crazy like setting up tickets for this launch event on my birthday is simple: In order to do so many things with my website, I will first need to beta trial various functions. Getting the hang of virtual and hybrid events that use tickets and Zoom links will be crucial.
Get your ticket here
About the ticket registration: You have to first register an account with the website, and then fill out the form for the ticket. Consider this ten minutes of potential effort your birthday present to me. A note on sign up: though the address information is mandatory for the form, you don’t need to put a real address… I will eventually figure out how to customize the form questions on the ticket registration, but for now just roll with it. Lastly, when initially registering for an account on the website, please use the name you wish to be called by and upload a profile picture—preferably an actual photo of you, not some avatar.
The times shown should be for a two hour event from 6-8pm (Mountain Time), but some people are seeing it say three hours. My bad. If I wasn’t in Europe right now, I would figure out how to fix that.
I genuinely hope that some of you will be a part of this new chapter,
P.S. As promised, here at the end of the post is the link to that interview on Sublation Media. I would like to thank Ashley Frawley for having us on, and Ted Reese for joining the discussion. Though we had our disagreements, I think the conversation was fruitful, and we had a great time.